Mim Kempson is a Sex & Relationship Therapist, Writer and Speaker

The quality of our relationships shapes the quality of our lives.

I help people connect more deeply with themselves so they can connect more authentically in their relationships. The more we’re aware of our own values, gifts and what we want in life (as well as our triggers, wounds and self-sabotaging patterns) the more we’re able to choose relationships that fulfil us, and sustain them.

Interested in therapy? The first step is to book a 15-minute call to see if we’d make a good fit for therapy.

Sydney Morning Herald


body + soul




United Nations Global Compact


Fashion Journal


Dumbo Feather


Romance Writers Australia


Australian Counselling Assocation


Youth Educating Peers




Sydney Morning Herald | body + soul | Vogue | United Nations Global Compact | Fashion Journal | Dumbo Feather | Romance Writers Australia | Australian Counselling Assocation | Youth Educating Peers | Maisonneuve |


Client testimonials

“Sessions with Mim helped me understand myself and relate with others on a deeper level. I’ve started to step away from who I thought I was supposed to be, or who everyone else said I had to be, and am becoming closer to who I really am.”

— Man, late 20s

“Mim brings care, compassion and humour to her sessions, but also a healthy dose of real talk.”

— Woman, 30s

“Mim is kind, caring, funny, thoughtful and above all genuine. For the past 40 years I have been hiding and being ashamed about my sexuality and my gender, and after trying numerous other therapists I never thought I would find the answers I was so desperately seeking.”

— Gender fluid person, 50s