Mim speaks, writes and is regularly interviewed on the topics she’s passionate about sharing her professional and lived experience in. This includes neurodivergence (ADHD and autism) in relationships, narrative therapy, sex education for adults, LGBTQIA+ related topics, the art of storytelling, finding purpose and using writing as therapy.
Mim has written for Australian publications such as Vogue, Dumbo Feather and Junkee, and has had her work published internationally in Maisonneuve and The Concordian.
Mim is regularly interviewed by the Sydney Morning Herald, Fashion Journal and body + soul for her commentary on dating, sex and relationships. She’s also been interviewed on podcasts such as That’s Orgasmic and Coming Out Happy, and hosts her own podcast What I’ve Learned About Love.
She has presented at various organisations such as Curtin University, Romance Writers Australia and Rio Tinto. She has chaired panels including for the United Nations Global Compact and community events, one of her favourites being a panel on Female Entrepreneurs with ADHD.
Mim has run workshops for corporate and community organisations such as the Australian Counselling Association, Rio Tinto, MyPlace, Youth Educating Peers and TransfolkWA. She also freelances as a Story Trainer at the Centre for Stories, and has run programs such as Queer Story Night.